Good vs Evil

Here is a link to my video of forces of good and evil. It was done with the help of Christopher Huntington



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Good Vs Evil

This video is a depiction of good and evil.


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Examples of good and Evil

The following URLs demonstrate examples of good and evil in our world. I have selected whole systems, because I think they are a great deal more representative of society than isolated individuals.

Good example-

Bad example-

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My Lai

The mass killings by the American soldiers on 500 vietnamese civilians is demonstrative of how the pernicious effect being trained in the army can have on people and their morality. I think the real issue is that the soldiers had been trained to kill and automatically, unflinchingly obeyed their orders to do so, and in mass quantities. I believe that it would be naive to suggest that this atrocity is a case of specifically evil individuals, what the reality is, is that teams of impressionable men were systematically, uniformly given training and orders to kill. The system of brainwashing soldiers is what really bears the guilt of this atrocity.

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Bible Tour

The following is a link to my google earth tour.



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Apocaliptic Writngs

The Bible is peppered with references to the end of the world. The most well known of these is in Revelation, but others exist, like in the teachings of Saint Paul. The stories make poetic warnings of the perils the immoral will face. It gives horrible accounts of sinners being thrown into a lake of sulfur, among a myriad of other torturous perpetual punishments. For the good people, the stories suggest we will ascend into heaven.  I really don’t know what to make of these stories, I suppose they exist to provide people with a bi-polar carrot and stick scenario for humanity, trying to frighten people into Christianity.

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What have I learnt?

In regards to the various literary forms of the Old Testament, some (and I use the word some graciously but certainly) of the Prezis were quite concise and useful. My group studied biblical fundamentalism and I felt quite good about our final result. Historical stories of the Bible was an informative Prezi, it was interesting and good to note the acknowledged exaggeration involved and the effect it created, (i.e the underlying moral message.) The Prezi on Songs and Poems was less informative, apart from anything else it was difficult to navigate technically. I found little explanation in the piece, the bulk of it was devoted to giving a dispassionate list of examples. Through the text book though, I learned about the nature of them, their place in giving a unified proclamation of the faith among people, through artistic, poetic, verse. In regards to Myths, the idea of interpretation through the medium often of an epic to teach a broader biblical theme was taught. Prophecy teaches people ways that God has assisted His people in the past, they often reflect a cycle of the Hebrews disregarding God, a good person being chosen by God as prophet, and helping the Hebrews out of trouble. They Usually contain the idea of their importance of our relationship with God.  The books of Wsdom had a minimal Prezi, it contained little more than an austere list. Books of Wisdom give stories and accounts of morally wise people, giving a model for ordinary people to follow. Laws s one of the passages of the Old Testament which is less ambiguous (generally, often the punishments proposed are considered immoral) they were and are used to give people and society guidelines for Christian living.

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Prezi-Biblical Fundamentalism

The following is a link to my Prezi, on Biblical Fundamentalism

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Glogster task

The following are the links to my various glogs regarding the religion assignment.,

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